To enroll at Christ the King School, please complete the following steps:
- Complete the Tuition Agreement and include the per child registration fee.
- Complete the new Family Enrollment Form

- Complete the new Student Enrollment Form
(one per student)
- Provide a copy of child(ren)’s birth certificate and baptismal certificate (if applicable)
- If transferring from another school, complete this Release of Records Form
and return it to Christ the King School
- Welcome Letter for Student Health Needs
- Complete the Textbook Loan Request Form

- Create an account on the FACTS Tuition Management System, link a payment method (bank draft or credit card), choose payment plan (annual, semi-annual, monthly)
Questions: please contact Mrs. Annette Della Posta, School Secretary, at 716.839.0473.
*Non-discrimination Policy Statement - Christ the King School does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion or national or ethnic origin in admitting students.
*Parent Cooperation Statement - The Catholic Church and Christ the King School recognize parents as the primary educators of their children. The education of students at Christ the King School is a partnership between parents and the school. If, in the opinion of the administration, the partnership is irretrievably broken, the school reserves the right to require the parent to withdraw his or her child. This is a very serious decision that is not to be made lightly.