As a ministry of Christ the King Parish, Christ the King School upholds the teaching of Jesus Christ and the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church. Christ the King School nurtures the development of all students through the journey of faith, academics and physical growth in an atmosphere that encourages them to recognize their strengths and overcome their weaknesses with the opportunity to reach their potential both spiritually and academically.
Christ the King School was established in 1929. Education of children within the context of Christian principles has been highest on the list of priorities of all the pastors of Christ the King. They included:
- Rev. Henry A. Mooney, 1926-1953
- Rev. Msgr. William M. Martin, 1953-1956
- Rev. Msgr. Edward J. Ferger, 1956-1960
- Rev. Msgr. John J. McMahon, PA, 1960-1979
- Rev. Msgr. Francis P. Sorci, 1979-1992
- Rev. Msgr. James J. Lichtenthal, 1992-2007
- Rev. John R. Gaglione, 2007-2018
- Rev. Msgr. Paul A. Litwin, 2018-
Two Sisters from the Sisters of St. Joseph taught at CTK from 1929-1943 - Sister Anne Patrice and Sister Frederic. Franciscans of the Third Order Regular and then Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, taught from 1943 until the early 2000’s.
The School’s administration has maintained the foundational beliefs of its predecessors, that is, that first and foremost educators of children are the parents and that the faculty’s interaction and rapport with the students, give the students a living experience of Christian Community. In addition, alongside academic learning - art, music and physical education are extremely relevant in forming a well-rounded child. Deepening the sacramental life of our young Christian students is of utmost importance as well. The parishioners of Christ the King are to be commended and thanked for their constant support of and belief in Catholic education in our parish.
“Among all the agencies of education, the school has a special importance. By virtue of its very purpose, while it cultivates the intellect with unremitting attention, the school ripens the capacity for right judgment, provides an introduction into the cultural heritage won by past generations, promotes a sense of values and readies for professional life. By creating friendly contacts between students of diverse temperament and background, the school fosters among them a willingness to understand one another. Moreover, the school sets up a kind of center whose operation and progress deserve to engage the joint participation of families, teachers, various kinds of cultural, civic and religious groups, civil society and the entire human community.
Beautiful, therefore, and truly solemn is the vocation of all those who assist parents in fulfilling their task, and who represent human society as well, by undertaking the role of school teacher. This calling requires extraordinary qualities of mind and heart, extremely careful preparation, and a constant readiness to begin anew and to adapt.” ( from Vatican II documents on education)